
Showing posts from August, 2012

Flashback Friday

Hunting Days my chunky days Only in Texas.  Well maybe not only but definitely one of the things Texas is known for.  Today is opening weekend of Dove Season.  Deer season begins November 3, and then the real manly weekends begin.  So I am told.  John has taken both of the kids hunting and being a city girl, it was something I did not grow up with but am grateful that my children get to head out to the country if not to hunt but to have some fun.  Open fires, lessons on shooting, cook outs, and bathing in well water.  Ok the last part is my least favorite.  The water smells like rotten eggs!  I try not to get too dirty and rather hose off outside than jump in that shower.  It's my Achilles heal.  John took Emilio to South Dakota for pheasant hunting and this picture was taken at 4:30 am.  They flew a Cherokee 6 with two other planes all the way up for a long weekend of hunting.  Talk about a long plane rid...

Junior Year for Shelby

 Shelby is an official Junior in High School !  She started last week and is enjoying her new roommate from Jamaica.  It was much easier to leave her this time compared to last year.  She gets along very well with her roommate and missed the rest of her "sisters" from boarding.  Even though she just left for school last week, she came home for the weekend for her Junior year Fashion show.  Shelby and I belong to this amazing organization that promotes mother and daughter philanthropic endeavors in our community.  It begins in 7th grade and consist of a 6 year plan.  This year was the Fashion Show.   Its amazing to see them develop into beautiful young ladies right before your eyes.  Pictured with her friend at an outing for the group, back in 7th grade. Below are some fashion show pictures of her on the runway. Fashion Show Outfit #1 from Francesca's Collection Formal Wear from Muzzies The Fashion Show was a huge...

Flashback Friday

    April 2002 Girl Scout Father & Daughter Dance When Shelby was in 2nd grade our Service unit held a Father & Daughter dance at a local high school.  As some of you know we have been in Girls Scouts for 12 years and counting.  Shelby has been a Daisy, Brownie, Cadette, Junior, Senior and now an Ambassador.  I have been a co-leader, leader and now adviser for her troop.  Being one to volunteer oh, too often, I was in charge of feeding 900 girls and dads for this event.  I think my budget was like $200 or some ridicules amount.  Needless to say, I completed my task and even had some life long friends step in and help with delivery of desserts and food.  Friends that didn't have any girls in girls scout where there helping out when I felt like pulling my hair out!  They are the same ones I mentioned in this blog .  Shelby was always a happy little girl.  Hard to believe she is a Junior in High ...

Flashback Fridays

July 14, 2011 Charles Caleb Colton coined the phrase : 'imitation is the best form of flattery '.  That's one way of looking at it and so  much nicer than being a copycat!  I started reading another blog by the name of Dixie Delights .   DD does a Flashback Friday which I thought would be a great idea!  I have so many pictures of the kids growing up and such fond memories I would love to preserve. I thought I would start with last year and work my way backwards.  That would also give me time to scan old pics to add to my digital home network.  Some pictures I came across were from our midnight showing of the last Harry Potter movie back in 2011.  Our 15 year old (at the time) was biting at the bit to go see this movie.  Her dad and I,  along with our friends tagged along for the heck of it.  I can't believe we actually stayed up that late.  My poor husband had work the next day! Isn't she cute in her Gryffindor...

Time with my Great - Nieces

I have some wonderful nieces and nephews.  Most of them are still young however, I have three adult nieces and nephews that are very dear to me.  Young adults in their 20's or late teens.  My oldest niece has two adorable little girls, Emmie and Lilli.  I have the privilege of babysitting these precious little ones on Tuesdays.  They keep me busy and give me that dose of mothering, I so desperately miss.  A few weeks ago, I was brave enough to venture by myself with them to the Houston Zoo.  With the safety net of knowing my daughter was working that day and I could always distract E & L with a short visit to see Shelby, if they started acting up.  Mind you E & L are 2 and 3 years old.  It's been over 13 year since I have had to cart around toddlers, needless to say I was a little worried that I would end up losing one or traumatizing them with threats if they didn't mind me for their safety.  They were ...

Love & Marriage

John drives me crazy.  I can go on and on, and at times I do  about all the things that just "irk" me.  My closest of girlfriends and Tommy (Male BF) know what I'm talking about!  But they also see we are made for each other.  We are so different that what we lack in, the other makes up for it.  For example, John is the most compassionate person I know.  I feel that I lack compassion at times and see the world in a more cynical way.  John is optimistic. There are other ways that we compliment each other and luckily we have the same goals, unfortunately we have different ways of approaching them.  It's a sheer miracle our kids have turned out so well and balanced.  They both seem to have our best traits in them.   We recently made friends with new neighbors and I was surprised when she commented on how perfect we are for each other and a great couple (and we never had a fight). I am glad we give that perception, but anyone w...

Cha cha cha cha Changes

Lately, I have been taking inventory of my life and what I have brought to the table.  And more than anything have asked myself what I would like to change going into the second half of my life.  One thing is certain, I need to stop using so many hyperbole's. Seriously, I was raised to never speak of religion, politics or sex among friends.  But today's social outlets do nothing but speak of these three subjects.  Nothing seems to be off limits.  I have my firm beliefs and one of them is that I am not going to make anyone feel uncomfortable by imposing my views on them or even worse, making them feel their views and beliefs aren't important.  I hate confrontation and I value everyone's opinion, that is what makes this country amazing.  That an the diversity.  Love the diversity! Lately the whole chick fila media and appreciation day seems ridicules especially when so many thing are wrong with this country.  That being said, I did not a...