Time with my Great - Nieces

I have some wonderful nieces and nephews.  Most of them are still young however, I have three adult nieces and nephews that are very dear to me.  Young adults in their 20's or late teens.  My oldest niece has two adorable little girls, Emmie and Lilli.  I have the privilege of babysitting these precious little ones on Tuesdays.  They keep me busy and give me that dose of mothering, I so desperately miss. 

A few weeks ago, I was brave enough to venture by myself with them to the Houston Zoo.  With the safety net of knowing my daughter was working that day and I could always distract E & L with a short visit to see Shelby, if they started acting up.  Mind you E & L are 2 and 3 years old.  It's been over 13 year since I have had to cart around toddlers, needless to say I was a little worried that I would end up losing one or traumatizing them with threats if they didn't mind me for their safety.

 They were perfect angels.  Except I could not get them to pose for the camera long enough for a good picture.  But that doesn't really matter because I think they had a great time.  I know I did and I can't wait to take them on another outing.

Thanks Andrea and Carlos for letting me enjoy being a great-aunt!


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