Flashback Friday

    April 2002
Girl Scout Father & Daughter Dance

When Shelby was in 2nd grade our Service unit held a Father & Daughter dance at a local high school.  As some of you know we have been in Girls Scouts for 12 years and counting.  Shelby has been a Daisy, Brownie, Cadette, Junior, Senior and now an Ambassador.  I have been a co-leader, leader and now adviser for her troop.  Being one to volunteer oh, too often, I was in charge of feeding 900 girls and dads for this event.  I think my budget was like $200 or some ridicules amount.  Needless to say, I completed my task and even had some life long friends step in and help with delivery of desserts and food.  Friends that didn't have any girls in girls scout where there helping out when I felt like pulling my hair out!  They are the same ones I mentioned in this blog.

 Shelby was always a happy little girl.  Hard to believe she is a Junior in High School already.

 She loved to ham it up for the camera.  She still does!!!
Daddy's Little Girl
 Seeing the pictures of John with Shelby was worth all my time devoted to making this dance possible.  Many volunteers in our Service Unit worked hard to make this memorable for all, don't think it was only me. 

They had a great time with all the Pillow fights, Face painting, crafts, etc.
 I love this picture of John's face and most of all Shelby's face.  She really enjoyed the antics and exaggeration of my husband's blows by the star studded pillow! I think he even added sound affects with each blow Shelby gave him.  ZAP, BOW, POOF!!!
 Shelby and her dad looked so handsome that night, the only regret was that I did not get a picture of them together dressed in their best.  
Wheel of Future Fortune!!!!!
 I took Shelby to Libby Lu's to get her hair done. I thought it looked really cute!  I think that is the last time she has let me fix her hair for any dance.  I miss those days.
After the dance, Emilio came to help us clean up and cuddle his little sister.  Again, wish I had better pictures! 


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