Empty Nest Part 2
I have debated on writing this post for the past month, and it was difficult to find another topic to blog about since this subject matter is at the foundation of our lives currently. So here it goes.....
John and I are going into our phase 2 of our empty nester type of life, the first one was when Shelby decided to go to boarding school in her sophomore year in high school. We adjusted, learned to enjoy our free evenings and weekends traveling to Dallas or vice versa.
During those three years, something happen, we lost sight of each other. Shelby was our commonality that made us interact with each other. As strange as this sounds, our household is very divided in responsibilities and the only interaction was decisions regarding the kids.
We decided we did not like the way our marriage was headed. We have done counseling in the past and I felt that we needed something much more. A drastic change in how we see our roles in our relationship. Speaking for myself, I never had a good role model for a healthy marriage. Both our parents are divorced.
I researched and found a wonderful marriage retreat in the hill country that we signed up for in May to attend in June. It's funny how the most simple things in life are forgotten and we have to re-learn them to have a more peaceful life and spiritual nourishing. (Again, I can only speak for myself.)
The primary lesson John and I learned is that we can only work on ourselves. Humility, patience, perspective, respect, etc. We were on this hamster of a treadmill saying if He/She would only do this, or say this. When we should have been saying "How can I be a better person?"
It was quiet beautiful to see everyone so vulnerable and know that we are not the only ones trying to work to have a better relationship. There was a total of 4 couples attending the retreat. All in different stages of their lives but the majority were empty nesters or soon to be empty nesters.
I highly recommend Life Marriage Retreats for anyone is in search the tools to be a better partner, communicator and person. I'm not perfect but now at least I have the tools to work on myself.
My husband has been an amazing instrument in making our lives to be full of happiness, peace, and understanding, I could not have asked for a better partner.
We are now on our Second Journey and if you attend the retreat you will know what I am talking about.
Our first date night (we have one every week now) |
Second date night to Dosey Doe's for live music & Dinner |
At our sons 24th Birthday Dinner |
I hope that in 24 more years we will continue to grow in each others love and become the best friends we both want to be for each other.