A New Start

My lovely husband and I have been together for over 16 years.  We raised a handsome son who is 21 and currently in his senior year at Berklee College of Music (violin performance major) and a beautiful daughter who at 16 is still very close to both of us and attends a boarding school 4 hours away from us.

We didn't expect to be on our own at 41 and 45 years old and I have to admit its a lovely time seeing our children so independent and focused on their studies. But the question never came to mind of what I am to do now the kids are gone.  They were my full time job for the past 14 years.

I have some college experience but never focused on a career that is now marketable.  And in all honesty, I enjoy the freedom of traveling, meeting girlfriends for lunch and being able to visit the children.  I feel there are more women who have gone through this and could be of some help.  I think I have so many forks still in the fire that it's difficult to narrow down what is it exactly I want from my life.

I have attached a picture of my pride and joy so you can get better understanding of who I am........ and maybe then you can tell me! Or maybe through the magic of blogging I will finally see the person I am meant to be and just didn't realize it.


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