New Year New Goals

Happy New Year!

This past year has been full of extremes.  What I mean by that is that I had days full of adventure and travels and days of boredom and melancholy.  I started the year with health issues that affected my workouts.  I spent way too much time on social media instead of enjoying my surroundings.  I really felt like I lost a year when it came to daily productivity.  Which then affected how I viewed my world. My gratitude was skewed for lack of a better word.  I was like a three-year-old, knowing what the right thing to do is and deciding to do the opposite, just because I could.  The whole year flew by and I felt I had nothing to show for it.

To recharge my battery, I finally decided to take those pesky vitamin supplements that I always avoided despite taking the time to fill up the weekly pill boxes.  I eliminated sodas completely. I continue to eat clean and exercise. I completed my annual checkup with my doctor and started reading books again.

My first project to make my home clutter free and organized is to tackle all the greeting cards I have received over the years.  I won't call myself a hoarder, however, I do find it very difficult to throw out cards, birthday, mothers' day, holidays, etc.  You get the picture.

I began with holiday cards.  I plan on hanging these on my staircase for the family to view.  I had a great time looking at all the family holidays cards we have received over the years.  I love the cards with family pictures and blurbs on what happened that year.

This past year we did not send out Christmas or New Year's Cards.  But I am hoping with my new birthday present (Cannon Rebel Camera), I will have some great pictures to compose a worthy holiday card.

I'm hoping that all who read this have a fabulous new year.  For those who sent us cards this year, a heartfelt thank you for thinking of us.


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