I'm back....again.

I know way too many breaks between my blogs.  Sorry readers! I have really started a bad habit of being a couch potato.  So I decided to kick my ass off the couch and do things outside my comfort zone.  I just finished co-chairing a Fundraising position with Cypress-Woodlands Junior Forum and even though we did not meet our goal, we accomplished what we set out to do.  Educate our community in what we do, bring in our husbands so they can see what our group is all about, and to begin thinking outside the box on how our organization can be best showcased.

John and I as one of the Starry Night Soiree's.  He did an amazing job by doing a craft beer presentation at each one of the soiree's.  

In January we went to go see Colin Hay at the Wortham Center.  It was part of a concert series sponsored by McGonigal's Mucky Duck.  It was one of the best nights of music, laughter, and hugs.

 I was so excited to have met him and get his signature.  John was an amazing sport and enjoyed it as well.  I am lucky to be married to a man who does not mind leaving his comfort zone and trying new things.


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