All I Want for Christmas and Gift Ideas

It's that time of year when the god-awful question is asked of me, "what do you want for birthday/Christmas?"  My thoughts read like a handyman's wet dream.  Paint the bedroom into a peaceful hue that welcomes me at the end of a hard day, a chandelier in the kitchen to replace the one over the island, and new outdoor curtains for the backyard.  Oh, and would love to get the tub in our bathroom fixed and make our front courtyard super festive for the holidays.  All things that I normally would do myself but would love for someone to take charge and do for me.  

Of course this is not what my family wants to hear.  So I am scouring the internet trying to find something that I want for my birthday.  As much as I pester my husband about a back rub, I should ask for a gift certificate for a massage. Sounds good, right?  John can work magic with those fingers......on a computer keyboard but not on a person unless thumb wars counts.

I googled what the top rated spas in Houston are and Sensia Studio popped up.  Located in the Galleria area what a great Birthday gift idea..CHECK!

What are some of the things you women folk are asking for Christmas?

The only thing I really loved while searching the internet were these boots from Toms.

Shelby has some grey ones and swears they are comfy despite the heel.

Another one of my wants that looks fun to use and play with are chalk markers.

I have some chalk boards and seat tags that would work great with the markers.  They would make a great stocking stuffer for any crafty person. HINT, HINT. Can I be more subtle?

I feel very fortunate to not want or need anything.  I have my health (so far), my family (they keep coming back home), and food on the table (so much left overs from Thanksgiving!) It's hard to really think of anything I would like except make memories with my friends and family.

One of my favorite things to do and what we have done in the past is view Christmas lights in town. Last year we rented a limo bus, invited some friends and did a light tour to celebrate my birthday. A lot of fun, only one casualty with car sickness but in all fairness it could have been the tequila.

We did end up on Washington Avenue looking for a warm fire, a peddle bus and food trucks.  That pretty much sums up a perfect night for me.

Looking at these pictures from last year makes me feel so very blessed for the people in my life.  Love all of you!


Oh, this year I want to do the Houston Zoo Lights and cocktails at Hotel Zaza. Who's in??


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