
Showing posts from September, 2014

Birthday Girl (warning lots of pictures)

Guess who turns nineteen tomorrow?!?! My youngest, bravest, most confident child. This will be the first time ever in her 19 years of life that I am not with her on her birthday. She has been my strong willed child that has made me grow in so many ways. Raising her with the knowledge that she has no limits on what she can do and be, she unwillingly made me realize the same rule applies to me. I wish this bright star in my galaxy the most amazing birthday and wish that I could be there to give her a birthday hug and kiss, something that is not easily sent via postal service or Skype.  My thoughts and love have no bounds, no limits, and do not stop at the county line in Texas.  She will feel my love, our love, on her special day because we did not leave room for doubt in her. Wishing you the best of days. Happy Birthday my shooting star!!!!! 1998 with Daringer (Treborway Home) 1994 Houston 1998 Galveston 3 years old 2013 Junior Year ...

Finding my way...

I'm feeling a bit like Alice lately.  Ever since I can remember I wanted a family, I married at 19 and we immediately tried to have children.  Crazy I know, 19!! But God knew better and we didn't get Emilio until 4 years later, 7 doctors, and one procedure later. Shelby came at a time in my life that I was giving up on the traditional family and was thinking of just devoting my time to Emilio and possibly adopting a little girl.  I had a decent job and Emilio needed family.   The one constant I new for certain was that I wanted children.  I have failed at so many things in life but I just knew that I would never fail my children. So here I am childless..........wondering no, imagining how my life will turn out without having such a large responsibility.  I taught them to not speak to strangers but to be kind to all, to ask questions and not settle, to respect their elders but at the same time expect the same respect.  Regardless of the many mixe...

Emilio turns 24!

 My first born turned 24 in July!  Hard to believe that the little bundle of joy I brought home 24 years ago is now a grown man.  We are so proud of him and his kindness, patience, and love he shows for all.  Happy Birthday to one of the nicest young man I know.  We celebrated his birthday at Maggiano's  on Post Oak with many of his friends and family.  Great food and fellowship. Love these kids to the moon and back!  Had him over for brunch on his birthday weekend.  Never to big for my lap!  Unwrapping his gifts from the family.  Shelby is the professional wrapper in the family.  Margaret and Nacho, Emilio's biggest fans and grandparents!  Emilio's friend Brian saved the day by picking up a chocolate cake from The Chocolate Bar.  The sweetest couple around. Emilio and Jeremy.  Love how good they are for each other. If only they could...