A Great Loss

Mother and Daughter Luncheon
Annalise, Wendy, Molly, and Kailey

My children had the privilege of attending a small christian school for many many years.  We met some very amazing families and enjoyed time with them. This school really felt like family. One of our favorite families were the Masseys.

The Massey's had two girls who were in the same grades as my children. On top of that,  Wendy was Shelby's 2nd grade teacher and such a wonderful role model for our daughter.  Shelby just loved her teacher.  Our girls did soccer together, field trips, girl scouts, mother and daughter lunches, etc. Our husbands would make up cheers at the soccer games where they would both kick their shoes off at the end of the cheer.  It really did distract the players but both John and Terry were having a great time.

How we first met Molly and Terry (Wendy's husband) was through an apology.  At the time of this apology we didn't ever think that it would become one of those coming of age stories for Emilio.  And it certainly was a very awkward introduction to Mrs. Massey's other half, Terry.  Terry brought over Molly to apologize to Emilio for teasing him and damaging a postcard of his, back in sixth grade.  We thought "Wow", these folks are really good parents!"  I would have just made my kid call not drag them to the home and make a face to face apology.  Mollie was so cute and we could tell it was just teasing and a crush gone bad.  Nothing malicious just kids being kids.  With time, we got to know more families at NCS and the Massey's continued to just be honest, fun, inspirational, good folks with three beautiful daughters.

It is with heavy heart that I write this. Their middle daughter, passed away on Saturday unexpectedly. Even though with time, we have lost touch, as our children grew up and grew apart, they hold a special place in our hearts.

So many fun memories come to mind of this wonderful family, it makes it so much more painful to know they are hurting in such a tragic way.

I ask that you please hold them in your thoughts and  prayers. Pray for peace, strength and patience. Because I know that if this had happen to me, I would need everyones support to just continue breathing.

Please know that our entire family mourns with you and will continue to pray for all.
Italy Trip

Kailey loved the babies.  An organization close to her heart was Zambian Haven on Earth. An orphanage in Zambia.  If your hearts speaks to you regarding Kailey's Memorial, please donate.


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