Thanksgiving 2013

Cohron & Newland Family

Our family is growing.....We had a total of 30 people all related in one way or another over for Thanksgiving. I think I am doing something wrong because I read other's Thanksgiving plans and they are all visiting their family members and not having to cook.  How in the world do you get away with that????  I would love to be invited to someone's home and not have to worry about cooking, cleaning, and entertaining!
Melchor Family
 We tried to color coordinate and I forgot to change my father in laws shirt to the red sweater I had for him.  And then I forgot to tell my mom and was too embarrassed to tell her I excluded her by accident.  She didn't bring it up and hope no one rats me out.

1/4 goofiness runs in our family

The new members to our family. My niece Alisha's boyfriend and his parents.  It was Marceline's first Thanksgiving.

Emilio's hotty boyfriend join us too!

Marceline with John

John trying to bring in Emilio for a photo, see his sneaker in mid air??

The older kids played Cards Against Humanity.  A very R rated card game, we heard them laughing all the way outside!

Marco's Family minus Alejandra. He has one more daughter that could not make it.

Raul's Family.  Andrea's husband Carlos had to work and was over in the morning.

My beautiful Family.
I pray that when I longer am able to host these gatherings that my family will continue the tradition of getting together and enjoying each other's company.  I pray that I leave them with happy memories.

Thankful for each and everyone of you especially my nephew Nathan, who never smiles. Can you pick him out in this picture?


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