It's been awhile

Dear Readers,

It's been awhile since I sat down and have been able to gather my thoughts on what has been going on here in the mad, mad world we call my life.

For the past three weeks, my baby girl, Shelby set sail for a 21 day adventure in the Grenadine Islands, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Grenada, and other places that I never heard of if it weren't for Google Earth.   I prayed that she would meet some good people on her travels that would see her the way I see her, special, unique, confident and compassionate.  That she would touch lives as she has touched ours here in Texas.  All I have to say is that God is good.

John went on a remarkable fishing adventure in Alaska with his friends from our 'hood.  A total of 10 men caught 900 lbs of Salmon and Halibut.  John came home with 75 lbs.  Now, I'm looking for different recipes online and in my cook books to make sure we don't tire of the taste of Salmon.  Wish me luck!

The one week that John and Shelby were both gone, I decided to visit friends in North Carolina. No point, in staying home and feeling lonely, right?

I traveled first to Wake Forest, N.C. to visit Parker and Michael.  I met Parker through her husband who built our first pool.  That was about 9 years ago and since then a lot of things have happen, the biggest one is that they moved to North Carolina.  It's always so much fun to see them and my kids just love both of them.

From the minute I landed we had plans...look what I did!!!!

The next day we went to the same reservoir and kayaked for about an hour.  It was so much fun.

I drove from Wake Forest to Charlotte and spent a few days with my friend Constance who simply just amazes me with her knitting skills.  I wish I had the courage to ask her to take pictures of her projects. They are beyond words.  Tony and Constance live on Lake Norman about 30 minutes from Charlotte.  We had a wonderful time shopping in town and catching up in each other's life.  We met at the annual company Christmas parties and just hit it off. 

I was so relaxed that we did not take any pictures of us :(  I did snap this picture of their back yard when I saw some Stand Up Paddle Boarders.

I just love her decking!!

Like Father like Daughter!!

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