Happy Anniversary

Yesterday I marked a mile stone that is huge for me.   Yesterday, was a year ago that I began blogging.
I am the least consistant person you could ever find. Responsible, yes, consistant in the things I do, absolutely not.  I like to try different things and have never been good at sticking to one thing.  God knows I try.  So the fact that I have posted over 80 times, this makes 81, for the past year is a milestone for me.  I thank all of you out there who without fail read my goofy posts about nothing.  I really enjoy reading the comments afterwards on my Facebook account.

Thank you for seeing me through the first year!

For those people who enjoy numbers and statistics here is the low down on my little blog.  I have 80 posts, and 2,674 views this past year.  Most of them from my Facebook page and one person from Germany who probably erroneously found my web page.  Dankeschön !



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