It's What We Do

 Recently one of our favorite neighbors celebrated a milestone birthday.  Unfortunately, she was traveling on the day of her birthday and had to catch a 5 am flight that day.  So, we decided to send her off to her appointment with multitudes of birthday wishes.
 Dressed in our ninja like outfits, wine glass in hand, (only 1 fatality in the form of glassware) we embarked on our mission.
 Since Melissa (birthday girl extraordinare) wasn't returning home until late that night we took pictures of the decorations for her.  Just in case she didn't get to enjoy them all in her rush to the airport.
 It was truly a magical sight, plastic dinosaurs, chalk drawings on the sidewalk and colorful streamers on the trees.
 This may sound morbid but when I die I want my drive way to look like this.  Just like those little champagne looking bottles full of streamer exploded all over our yard.  To say, well done, good life, time to celebrate an excellent job on living!

 Well, Happy Birthday Melissa!!!! To many more good years!


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