Tis the Season for Entertaining


In the past month I have planned a Ghoul's Night out at my home for 20 close friends and neighbors, in the process of helping with the neighborhood progressive dinner, coordinated a booth for our 100 year celebration of Girl Scouts with my troop of Ambassadors, making trophies for a friends Halloween Costume Party, made boo baskets, helped with my mother in laws wedding, hosted a car sense and craft for our Ticktocker girls and currently planning a ceremony/celebration for Shelby's Gold Award.

With all the planning, meetings, and gatherings in October I came across some fantastic vendors and websites.  I felt it would be beneficial to many with the upcoming holidays and festivities to share them.  Plus having a cold and not being able to go running or running around has me "couch"- ridden.

I found http://whipitgoodcookies.blogspot.com/ , owned by a Spring resident, which makes this very convenient for me when ordering my cookies. The cookies are on the verge of art, they are so beautiful  She is also on Facebook under Whip It Good cookies.

As for the Halloween decorations, need I say it.... pinterest.  It's funny, what I noticed in pinterest is the the obsession of food among my skinny friends.  I don't know how they stay so healthy looking when they pin every food under the sun.  Maybe that is their outlet to not eat it! Whereas, I just crack open that can of bean dip and fritos and go to town.

I hosted my daughter's Ticktocker class  (National Charity League) this month and my lovely husband spoke to them on the subject of Car sense, how to change a tire, how to use and reference your car manual, safety, etc.  After the speaker, I had the girls create this cute little guy as a treat.  Each girl brought their favorite candy and filled the various size jars.  I had been collecting the jars for about a year and had over 25 jars for the craft.  Most of the girls are age 16 or 17 and I feared this craft would be too childish for them.  I was surprise to see them so excited about making their own little mummy's.   Since this a mother and daughter organization, I printed out this poem and placed it on pretty halloween paper for them to take home to their "mummys".

Another one of my favorite websites is Hostess with the Mostess.  Great way to display your goodies at your parties. Too many creative ideas to name.

Shelby's Gold Award celebration will be similar to this Girl Scout theme bridal shower, found at greenweddingshoes.com .  Here is the cake I just ordered from Lollydoozers, she has made many cakes and cupcakes for me and I highly recommend them.

and I love the canteen idea and found them for $4 at www.horse.com.

I hope you find this helpful and if not inspirational to welcome family and friends this holiday season.  Much love to all and yours.


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