Sisterhood of the Traveling Dice

Whew!! After two days of blogging I thought that all my witty thoughts had escaped me.  I will just blame it on the pain meds.  As many of you know, I underwent a abdominoplast last Friday, thus all this time on my hands at home.  At first, I was planning on keeping this procedure to myself, after years of diets and exercise I felt like I was taking the easy way out in getting the results I always wanted for myself.  Well, my feelings have changed now having undergone excruciating pain for these results and no longer feel this was the easy way out but a most difficult decision.  Not only for me but for John who had to take care of me over the weekend and my lovely mom who did everything else to make my life comfortable.  Thank God for the love of a mother!

Now, the reason for the title of my blog today is the kindness and concern I have received from my bunco group.  For those who aren't familiar with Bunco, it is a game that can best be described by visiting this link  It's a mindless fun game of getting together and sharing friendship, stories, and a good glass of wine or two.  We only meet once a month and the group is comprised of ladies in my neighborhood.  What I love about this group is the variety of women who belong to it. I always seem to learn something new every month from this lovely group of women.  Their calls, emails, and concern this week have been boundless.  I have been chauffeured to the grocery store, the cleaners, to the doctors office and given movies to watch.  I cannot thank these lovely people enough for their support.

Most important I have to thank two dear friends who are not in my bunco group but live in my neighborhood.  I planned the procedure on a Friday, and I did not want John to be there. In fact, I felt so ashamed of doing this tummy tuck that I didn't want anyone there. The doctor was going to call John and leave him a message at work that all went well.   We are talking 5 hours of surgery, who in their right mind would want to sit through that!!  Well, luckily I have two insane friends who would not hear of it.  They picked me up at 6 am and took me to the hospital and continued to stay there until I came out.  Tears form in my eyes just thinking of their grand gesture.  In this world, God did not grace me with a sister, I have two brothers.  However, God has graced me with some unbelievable woman in my life.  And for that I am eternally grateful.    Thank you friends.


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