Being You
Someone once said about Life that no one gets out alive. What I gathered from that statement is make it worth living. Being a parent of a gay son I am reminded that we must all live our lives with honesty. The most important value, I believe is being true to who you are. I have never written about this before but have seen the struggles with some parents, family and friends when a loved one comes out to them. Those people have two choices, 1) to accept them 2) to leave them be. There should not be an in between. Why be part of that person's life if only to inflict pain, shame, and guilt. Leave them. They are not going to change. They do not have that choice. YOU do. You can change to be the support, and unconditional love they deserve. Some friends asked me how I reacted to Emilio's news. And in all honesty, we knew. There were so many signs of him being gay and we thought when the time came he would tell us. ...