
Showing posts from June, 2016

We are all ONE

After 9/11 everyone I knew was speaking about the senseless tragic terror attack on our country.  EVERYONE Flags were spotted in everyone's front yard, vigils, memorials, school and church programs, and on and on. After the second most deadly attack on our country in Orlando, I am not witnessing as much shock or horror from our citizens.  Have we lost our empathy or just simply have learned to live with the horror of it all.  Or worst, was it because the attack took place not in a preschool or church but in a gay night club.  I pray that it isn't the latter.  I pray that people aren't looking away or facing the horror of this because it happen to this community of people.  I pray that we all felt the pain of loss when this happen and did not lose our empathy towards others. This terrorist attack has been funneled through a sieve full of outcries regarding "gun control, hate crime against the LGBT community, Muslim hate" and so on.  If it wa...

Bonnaroo & Bonanzas

 Decisions are being made to think outside of the normal suburban life we are now living.  By that I mean, we embraced our inner hippies for a few days and headed down to Manchester, Tennessee to do the ultimate music festival.....BONNAROO!!! Oh and we decided to take the youngest one with us.   We left Houston on Wednesday with our Bonanza loaded with our camping gear, tent, canopy, clothes, chairs, etc.  You get the picture.  We car camped for 4 nights.  Hot days and cold nights.  I think we all came back with colds and rejuvenated. John and Shelby doing the preflight check list.  Bonnaroo's popularity comes from the mood the festival takes on.  All come to enjoy themselves and "Not be that Guy/Gal".  Radiate Positivity, and High Five as many Bonnaroovians as possible.  Here is John and Shelby doing their part. Hanging around these 20 somethings gave me hope for our future.  Tolerance, patience,...