January Happenings
January started with a beautiful fairytale dance and ended with heartache and sorrow. It has been a month full of ups and downs. People that we care for have gone through the loss of a young life and the same week we experienced the loss of one of our family members. Two funerals, days apart and then the phone call from a friend about our old neighbor and my old walking partner, who was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Needless to say, my heart has been full of sorrow and heartache for most of January. With all this emotional dejection all I needed was health issues: I caught the flu, my mom was in the hospital and I stopped exercising. I need to learn to stop asking "What know?" Because God does have a sense a humor. With all this going on I forgot to tell you about our weekend at the deer lease. In times of sorrow you need to think of the good things in our lives because in reality they do outnumber the tragic. We did get to do a li...